A Preschool Program where children thrive under five
Laying Strong Learning Foundations

Sunnynook Preschool provides a unique transition to school program that helps to prepare children for success at school. We are well known in this community for our specialised program that has been successfully operating for more than forty years. We integrate our transition to school program with the New Zealand early childhood curriculum (Te Whāriki) to ensure children can reach their potential as competent, confident learners and communicators.
Through our Transition to School Program your child will;
Be involved in regular literacy experiences
- this includes reading, writing, letter and phonic knowledge and awareness. -
Be involved in regular mathematics experiences
- this includes number knowledge and simple mathematic
concepts important in preschool development.
Have a reading book sent home each day which we ask you
to support your child to complete according to the instructions provided. -
Be invited to read one-on-one with a teacher every day to build reading skills and interest.
Be involved in group discussion and inquiry.
We invite you to feel free to stay and quietly observe our transition to school program any time.
As we provide a specialised preschool program, we cater for children aged
2 - 5 years old only.

At Sunnynook Preschool we value every child as a capable learner. We aim to provide a safe and stimulating environment where children feel a sense of belonging and desire to learn. Our program provides learning experiences through a balance of structured and free play times both indoors and outdoors. We recognise that it is important for children to have opportunities to develop holistically: intellectually, culturally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and socially.
Our program provides opportunities for children;
To make their own choices, problem solve and challenge themselves.
To learn and play with and alongside others.
To dance, sing, and explore music.
To develop the self-help skills that will enable them to be independent.
To be involved in creative and expressive arts.
To develop listening and communication skills.
An Intentional Curriculum focussed on developing the whole child

"For some children the purely play based environment does not suit their needs, and our son is one such child. This is the very reason we chose to send our child to Sunnynook Preschool. Due to the work that the kaiako have done with our son, he is much more confident with himself, he is better able to express his emotions and feelings, and is more creative in his endeavours."
Sian Morgan Waite (Parent)