Our Amazing Team
Sunnynook Preschool
Where children thrive under five
Our teaching team are simply awesome!
100% qualified teachers who have all proudly worked here for many years.
Our teachers love what they do and take great care of children and each other.
Two of our team are fluent in Mandarin meaning they are able to communicate effectively with our Chinese whanau.
Having long serving teachers means we know our community, and we know how to work effectively with children. Our teachers maintain their teacher registration and keep up to date with current practices in early childhood education through engaging in regular professional learning opportunities.
We simply love our children and have fun together every day.

"My daughter Reeya attended Sunnynook Preschool for around two and a half years, she learned so well to be organised, have good manners and be kind to people. She received a Principle Award in the first year of Diocesan School for Girls. She is in year 4 this year and is still very good at reading and writing, and she is keen to join after school activities such as sport and music.
I am very appreciative of the support from the team at Sunnynook Preschool.
Thanks again to all the teachers from Sunnynook Preschool, you are all great!"
Amy (parent)